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This modern masterpiece redefines the boundaries of printmaking with its mesmerizing depiction of the Milky Way. Crafted with meticulous detail, thousands of tiny dots converge to form the celestial tapestry, while a three-dimensional mountain silhouette emerges, expertly sculpted from the print itself. This one of a kind, three-dimensional marvel fuses one of the oldest art forms with contemporary sculptural finesse. Encased in a sleek metal shadow box frame, subtle shadows dance upon the white canvas, inviting closer inspection. 


Artist: Sara Mack

(Signed with maiden name, Sara Senseman)

Dimnentions: 20.25 inches by 16.25 inches, (Frame depth: 1.375 inches)


This piece is sold framed and ready to hang. (Artist's signature on the front with year created.)

Stargazer (Framed)

SKU: 217537123517253
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